The Heart of Yoga certified Mariana Garcia-Flores provides

In person & Online Yoga classes

What style of Yoga?

This is not in any particular ‘style’ of Yoga. it is also not just exercise or stretches.

This is Yoga. The heart and breath-centred practice brought forth from the ancient traditions by Sri Krishnamacharya.

Yoga is the ancient practice of intimacy with breath, body and life. It is embracing reality itself.

The practice could be described as breath-centred tantra HaTha yoga.

HaTha yoga where Ha means sun and Tha means moon. HaTha is therefore the union of opposites that arise and return to the heart. Hatha yoga is the participation and union of these opposites. Above - below, left - right, front - back, within - without, strength - receptivity, inhale - exhale, sun - moon, masculine - feminine.

Tantra’s philosophy is based on the principles of non-duality, meaning that in life there is no separation. Tantra recognises that we are an inseparable part of the universe. Therefore a tantra-based yoga focuses on using the body as a temple to worship the all-encompassing oneness of life as sacred.

The practise of Yoga weaves together asana (body postures), pranayama (breathwork), mantras (chants), mudras (hand postures), and visualisations. Through these meditation may arise as a gift.

To start your heart and breath-centred Yoga practice book individual and/or group sessions below.

Participate in your own wonder

Your daily practice is your direct embrace with life itslef

  • 1-1 sessions

    There is no one size fits all. You are a unique individual!

    A 90 minutes 1-1 Zoom or in-person session designed to estabish the practice that is right for you according to your background, your physical, emotional, or mental concerns and your goals.


    • Written notes of discussion

    • Template of personal practice.

    • Ongoing support when needed.

    NZD 100 (If you are in country which doesn´t convert favourably to NZD, make sure you get in touch for an equivalent).

  • Group sessions

    A 60 minute session held in Suva, Fiji.

    15 minutes for a check-in and 45 minutes of practice covering asana (body posture), pranayama (breath regulation / practice) & meditation (our natural state) arising as a seamless process.

See what Mariana’s clients say here.

“I maintain there is nothing for you to attain.

Trying to attain something is the very mechanics of the mind that obliterates you noticing that you are a perfect arising of the intelligence and beauty of life.

The person is already perfect and perfectly functioning, and the yoga is purely participation in this, not manipulation in any way.

Yoga must be fitted to the person, not the person to yoga”
— U.G. Krishnamurti